Interaerial SOLUTIONS – Biggest commercial UAS event cleared for take-off

Following on from the flight zone at INTERGEO 2014 in Berlin, interaerial SOLUTIONS last year celebrated its première as an integrated topic platform at INTERGEO. At INTERGEO 2016 in Hamburg, interaerial SOLUTIONS will run as a free-standing UAS platform for the first time.

Karlsruhe, March 14, 2016: The "interaerial SOLUTIONS Expo. Forum. Flight Zone for UAS." has been cleared for take-off. A dedicated website has been launched for this marketplace for UAS business applications. From suppliers of UAS to new drone-as-a-service providers, interaerial SOLUTIONS will serve as a showcase for manufacturers, UAS users and operators, accessories, software and end-to-end solutions at INTERGEO from October 11 to 13.

Following on from the flight zone at INTERGEO 2014 in Berlin, interaerial SOLUTIONS last year celebrated its première as an integrated topic platform at INTERGEO. At INTERGEO 2016 in Hamburg, interaerial SOLUTIONS will run as a free-standing UAS platform for the first time.

The new dedicated website has just gone live, coinciding with the launch of this independent showcase and communication offering. Exhibitors and visitors can access all they need to know about UAS and interaerial SOLUTIONS 2016 in Hamburg at

By repositioning interaerial SOLUTIONS, its organisers are reflecting the rapid development of the market and the high rate of innovation in this new technology. UAS-manufacturing and the development of related solutions currently form the most dynamic growth generator in geo-based data capture, processing and the development of applications. "A new chapter in aviation history is unfolding, as UAS takes over the civilian market and unlocks huge potential for developing innovative applications in countless directions. We will be scripting the storyline at interaerial SOLUTIONS. We are already the biggest platform in this field in the German-speaking world," says Christoph Hinte, CEO of HINTE GmbH, which is hosting the event.

Destined to be the No. 1 UAS trade fair
UAV DACH e.V., interaerial SOLUTIONS partner organisation, is glad to see greater emphasis on civil solutions in unmanned aviation. Uwe Nortmann, Managing Director of UAV DACH e.V., already considers the interaerial SOLUTIONS marketplace to be the leading trade fair for unmanned aircraft systems. "For me, the events main appeal lies in the way it reveals how a range of sectors can benefit from the fledgling technological developments surrounding UAS. By replacing manned flights, UAS heralds vast potential savings in costs. The future lies in unmanned aircraft systems - and interaerial SOLUTIONS is the platform to show this."

Top marks from exhibitors
The UAS platform was already a resounding success in 2015. Some 80 exhibitors and approximately 3,200 visitors gathered there as part of INTERGEO in Stuttgart. One-third of visitors placed an order at the trade fair or immediately afterwards. Two-thirds of visitors at interaerial SOLUTIONS rated INTERGEO 2015 as either important or very important for investment decisions. Daniel Schmitt, the manager of RKM - RotorKonzept Multikoptermanufaktur, says: "interaerial SOLUTIONS already gave professional UAS manufacturers like us the chance last year to present our products to a large, enthusiastic trade audience. At the same time, visitors to the trade fair were able to gain a comprehensive overview of the market. interaerial SOLUTIONS is the most important exhibition platform of the year for RotorKonzept. We will definitely be on board again in Hamburg."

Being a part of INTERGEO guarantees publicity
Holding the new UAS platform at the same time and venue as INTERGEO means exhibitors are bound to attract a large audience. At the same time, running the platform as an independent entity will generate a keen interest in current and upcoming UAS topics. interaerial SOLUTIONS will maintain the same format in Hamburg as last year with an exhibition area, expert forum and outdoor flight zone. The topics covered at the forum with UAV DACH as its host promise a high professional standard. Visitors can expect to meet the following exhibitors at interaerial SOLUTIONS:

• Suppliers of hardware for UAS
• UAS manufacturers
• Hardware manufacturers for remote sensing
• Manufacturers of UAS accessories
• Suppliers of evaluation software/photogrammetry
• Suppliers of UAS services
• Technology & services for data utilisation
• Education & training
• Service providers & dealers
• Insurers & consultants
• Publishers & associations
• Authorities

About interaerial SOLUTIONS
interaerial SOLUTIONS, consisting of exhibition, forum & flight zone, is the number one marketplace for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in Europe. It visits a new German city each year in tandem with INTERGEO. The Forum deals with current issues from politics, administration, science and industry. The Flight Zone in the outdoor zone offers live demonstrations of the various flight systems and thus delivers an all-round experience of products and the market.
With the wealth of potential on offer, interaerial SOLUTIONS highlights the wide range of applications for UAS that already exist and provides a glimpse of future markets. Its forthcoming venues in the years ahead are also internationally renowned exhibition cities, including Hamburg in 2016, Berlin in 2017 and Frankfurt am Main in 2018.
interaerial SOLUTIONS 2016 will be held in Hamburg from 11 to 13 October.

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